Friday, August 5, 2005

A Weekend Of Payback

I have been cashing a lot checks with Mistress by being gone three straight weekends. This weekend is my atonement. Today I need to take care of Mighty Mo for several hours while Mistress makes up some work and then picks up her best friend in town for a conference. If there is no storms I will get in an afternoon ride of 20-30 miles out into the desert.

I am allowed to go on my group run Saturday morning at 0630 (6-8 miles) then I will fly down to my club and get in a swim (1,500 yards). That should get me home in time to bring back Krispy Kremes for the ladies, maybe one for me thank you. When Mighty Mo gets up from the morning nap, we are going on a field trip somewhere fun. The zoo will be too hot so something indoors. For the 5th largest city in America, their is no aquarium or big science center or museum here. Even the zoo is not that impressive. I'll figure it out.

Mighty Mo went to a birthday party last weekend and although he recieved the "Most Polite, Never Stopped Running, Most Entertaining" child award, his low immune system couldn't handle all the germs and now he is having an immuno-deficency attack. I think I have posted in the past that he was born with an extremely low immune system compounded with off the chart allergies and asthma. It basically is a cold that rapidly turns into broncitis or pneumonia, but this always happens when he is with a group of kids or in a 'germy' environment. His system just can't fight stuff off like a normal kids system can. He is a trooper and with his meds and pedialyte we hope this should blow over by Monday but I it will be a clingy weekend. All about being a parent though right? Right.

Sunday, I would like a bike/run brick, if all goes according to plan.

I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

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Chris said...

Ouch. Hope the lil' one is feeling better!

Nancy Toby said...

Poor Mo! Yeah, my two are seldom around other kids, fortunately!

And anonymous posters blow, btw.

Flatman said...

That's some informative stuff in that first comment! I am going to contact him...

On a more serious note. I hope Mo is feeling better soon. Keep him happy and that will do most of it!

Step away from the Krispy Kreme's Mister!

Keryn said...

Give Mo lots of love...I'm sure he'll be feeling better in no time. As bad as those clingy weekends are, I look back on them fondly. My son is just old enough to want to be left alone, especially when he's sick.

It sounds like you should get all your workouts in though, which makes payback less painful. :)

tri-mama said...

Your a good man Com-enjoy the time with Mo, even if it is clingy time. Hope he gets better soon. I have 2 asthma kids and it's just hard to see them get that sick.