Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Drat This Swimming Thing

I don't normally go more than a few hours without the "Mo Update" from Mistress. Even though today is a 'doctor' day I still expected them to get out earlier than 3 hours or at least return my call. See, Mighty Mo had his all to frequent allergy/asthma check up today and Mistress decided to get retested on the 70 point allergy test since she had not had one since moving here almost 8 years ago. The prescriptions and shelf stuff (Claritan D)worked pretty good for a while but just wasn't cutting it anymore.

One of the reasons I am in the 35-39 age group with a 2 year old son is that Mistress was very concerned about having children. From ages 2-7 she was literally a girl-in-a-bubble. Her allergy's and asthma were so bad she had plastic walls and everything she touched was in sterilized plastic bags or made of rubber. She lived most days at Seattles Children Hospital. Back in the mid-1970 there was nowhere near the medical technology with these kinds of things. So a big hurdle for her having children, was to pass that down to a child. Which is exactly what happened.

Thankfully technology is a beautiful thing. Well Mighty Mo is doing better, if better is the same dose of singular and we double some other multi-syllable thing, but he's officially off the nebulizer unless he gets too out of hand and starts turning blue. Which can happen to any two year old who alternates between thinking he is a dinosaur and a puppy.

So as I was changing for my swim at 5:30 pm, Mistress calls to tell me she had a bad reaction to several of the tests and they kept her for a few hours until the recovery meds took affect and the swelling went away. Interesting test for allergy's. They mark your body up from 1-70 and then poke you with 70 different allergens. Anything bigger than one inch squared and your allergic. So if your really allergic to say Horse then you could have a massive rash develop, which is exactly what happened. She tested positive to 58 out of 70, some really bad. So after being released, she was stuck in traffic an hour away and I had to get Mighty Mo because my mom had an appointment, long story short no swim.

Am I cursed to not swim? I'll try again tomorrow.


Nancy Toby said...

Poor little Mo!!

On the swim, there's always the "get up early to make sure it gets done" strategy, too! :-)

tri-mama said...

Curse? No, you're just being a good husband and dad. Hope you had a good evening.

Kona Shelley said...

Nope..not cursed..just keep trying, you'll get there...your family is most important!!!

ZAG said...

What kind of trainer do you have that gave you your bike data?
keep up the good work!

Comm's said...

Zag- I use the Polar S625X. I left more details under that blog post (8/28/05)

mipper said...

oh my goodness! 58 out of 70! poor mistress. i hope she is feeling better. yay for no nebulizer for mighty mo... yipee! you're a great hubby and dad. it will all come back to you someday on a really really excellent swim... maybe IMFL... you never know. :)

Alicia said...

Wow, that's one horrible test to have to go through. Poor thing. I hope everyone is doing ok and you get your swim soon!

Wil said...

Poor kiddo!! You're an awesome dad - hang in there!