Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Making Do

Swim Update: 19 days since my last swim. I keep reminding myself that since then I have had an upper respitory infection for and then cut off part of my finger. Tomorrow is masters swim and now that ASU is back in session it should be interesting. AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH. I just flipped over to the team webpage to check the weekly news (8/30/2005) and the pool is closed until further notice. Will this never end. Okay, deep meditative breath, I will stick to the plan and run at 0430 and swim at my club in the afternoon. I need to go there anyway.

Training Update: Tonight was a 30 minute ride going 10.80 miles. Still know word yet from the professional coach. Sent in a second request for membership information tonight. Set up a good training weekend with new found tri-friends. Saturday is a lake swim, Sunday 40-50 mile bike ride on the course we did last Sunday and then individually do a mid-run on Monday, ( I will probably go 8 miles).

Family Update: Mighty Mo is doing great, thank you for your comments. Mistress was itch free by the time she got home last night. However she wore a synthetic shirt to work and the desert sun warming the shirt reactivated the allergens and she had a two hour scratch session till the benadryl kicked in.


Keryn said...

I'm delighted to hear Mo and Mistress are doing all right.

You will get a swim in soon and it will be good. Just repeat that until it happens. ;)

Phil said...

Bummer about the swimming...

but I found something cool on your Master's club site (apart from cool logo).

The Time Converter takes you to this page...

Being the Tri-Geek I am, I love this kind of stuff, and was suprised to see that there is a huge time difference between swimming 500m in a 25Yd pool vs a 50m pool - the 50m pool is theoretically 50 seconds faster for me... ???

...very interesting, I'll file this under "New things I learned today".

Flatman said...

You'll get it in...just keep trying. Let us know how it goes this afternoon if you didn't forget how to swim.

Wil said...

Phew, good news.

And don't worry, that pool is always gonna be there, and so is your determination.

Chris said...

Good to hear that the lil one and the misses are doing better.

And do let us know how working out with said new tri friends goes! :)