Sunday, May 15, 2005

One last thing for the day...

Okay it officially hit 100 degree's today. So here is a few rambling thoughts as I go to sleep...

1)Upstairs a/c is broken and temp. in bedrooms are hovering at 85 degrees. Call home warranty in the morning.
2)How's the heat play out this week and adjust outside workouts accordingly.
3)Deliver latte and flowers to Mistress office Monday morning, her first day back to work in a week...order take out for Monday night... and a bottle of wine.
4) Finalize cycling group this weekend to schedule long ride and long run accordingly.
5)Finalize swim coach program, first one-on-one and then group swim Thursday night.
6) Introduce speed drill day in running program
7) Buy 'Going Long'

1 comment:

Wil said...

I can't believe it's so hot where you are! Weird to ready about 100 degree days when it's in the 40s and 50s here!