Tuesday, May 3, 2005

I hate html

You know, every time I try to upgrade this site with some more graphics, I always end up screwing something up.

I tried using i.e. and noticed that the sidebar is all the way down the page again and it's driving me nuts. In Firefox it looks just fine. Please be patient and things will be better soon.


Nancy Toby said...

Let me know when you figure out how to change the graphics in the header! I'd like to upgrade my header a bit, but I keep thinking I'll mess it up too badly! So I've just gone with the standard templates so far.

Wil said...

Same thing happened to me - check your google ads, or site search. That was my issue. Also, maybe some of your pictures are too wide. Double check ;)

Kona Shelley said...

And when you get done that...tee hee, could you explain to me how I can put your blogs links along the side of my site??

Meagan said...

HTML can be a real pain in the arse. Hopefully you'll figure it out soon! I agree with Wil, check your image widths. Shelley, email me and I'll give you a hand with the links :)

Pat said...

Sir Commodore,
I'm with the ladies on this one, check the width for your images. For the sidebar, the table in your "race schedule" could be the cause. If I have a free 5 minutes at work, I'll take a closer look.

Pat said...

Yup, that's the table fault Sir Commodore... :)

If you take a look at your CSS definition of your blog, you'll see "Content" label. Inside we can see that : The width of your "content" is 660px. Inside that you have your "main" at 410px and your "sidebar" at 220px. 410+220=630 : PERFECT.

If you take a look at your table definition in your Race schedule post, you'll se that this sucker is at 525px. 525(wich is your new width)+220 = 745.

If you put it to, let say 300px, it will look like this : http://img186.echo.cx/img186/9638/commo8qd.jpg
(cut and paste)
If I'm not clear or something like that, drop me a line, I can send the solution more via e-mail (and SORRY for my poor english)