Saturday, October 1, 2005

News Flash-Don't Let Me Cook...EVER

I know, I know, I have blogged on this topic many times but my complete inadequacy in cooking is only eclipsed by my ability to be self-deprecating.

I gave myself food poisoning.

Go ahead a laugh. That's right get it all out, there you go.

I helped out a manager at a corporate enrollement event Friday night and ended up being the one, under protest mind you, running the BBQ. Well I think you can figure the rest out.

The part that really sucks, other than not knowing which way to approach a toilet tonight is that Mistress and I had a mid-afternoon date, then would roll into a wedding reception being held by two key employees who got married and honeymooned on Maui a few weeks ago.

I also called off traveling to the Olympic tri tomorrow to take pictures for the team.

Keep me out the kitchen PLEASE. I beg you, no more.


Wil said...

Oh MAN! Com, that officially sucks. Get better, geez! :)

TriDaddy said...

The trimama and I feel deeply for you as you worship before the great porcelain throne...:) Yeah I know...real funny. Well send a prayer out for trimama, she's hitting the twin city marathon course as I post this.

Nancy Toby said...

You cut off your finger and then you give yourself food poisoning? Did you COOK the stuff? Jeez. Poor Mistress.

Next time maybe use a cookbook? :-)

Papa Tweet said...

You may want to procure a bucket so you don't have to sit down, stand up. sit down, stand up, etc. Good luck and be strong.

P.S. Buy some soft toilet paper.

Papa Tweet said...

I just realized that you are doing the Soma Half this year. That is my A priority race this year. How do you feel thusfar, outside of the food poisoning of course. I hope you can recover quickly so you can get back into training. Anyway, see you in October, I can't wait!

bunnygirl said...

Maybe you should order take-out next time.

Get better soon!

Comm's said...

IB- I cancelled all my end of year races. I felt that I was at a cross purpose with doing a bunch of sprints and then losing out on good training. Also I had some progression difficultys with my open swims which has limited my race distances.

My next 'B' race is Rock n Roll Marathon then (crossing fingers) Wildflower.