Friday, October 7, 2005

Murphy's Law # 97

"The force of the headwind is directly proportional to the grade of the road."

or said another way,

"The higher the hill the lower the headwind, the the flatter the road the higher the headwind."


Oldman said...

two weenends ago I found that both directions (going out and coming home).

Flatman said...

I have experienced some beastly headwinds going up a very serious grade, so I am not so sure about this....

Wil said...

Hmm - so it's kind of a silver lining sort of thing - I'll remember that on those IMMOO a$$-kickers ;)

Papa Tweet said...

Is it just me, or is the wind always blowing against you? On the way out you figure, I'll have the wind at my back on the way in. Then you turn around and so does the wind. What the #$@%?

Does this happen to anyone else?