Thursday, January 5, 2006

One more Shiny Thing...

Okay TWO new Shiny Things to mention this week. Hey, it is New Years. I can't compete with Kahuna podcasting and Wil podcasting AND having a new website, so I buy stuff.

Actually this was a gift from Mistress to me for our 10th wedding anniversary so I had little to do with it, except pick out the model.

She bought us a Jacuzzi. Yes an actual brand name Jucuzzi, model number J-325.

Its part of their sport massage line or recovery line or some such thing. Mistress thought she had to close me on it being good for me after all the hard training workouts for Ironman, but come on, you can't bullshit and bullshitter. She want's it for herself too. Me, well I will call it also a performance bonus based on my good faith with the Training Contract we have.

Our house came with a spa hook up outside from the previous owners so there is no additional costs. A cover comes with the tub and I closed the salesman on including the delievery and some extra chemicals. I also saved 12% on the overall price by having him work in some rebates and other stuff, so we walked out the door with a total price less than floor price.

Delievery and install will be next week. It was going to be at the end of the month but I heard him on the phone find out that the model I wanted had just arrived Monday at another location and I closed him to pressuring his boss into giving me that floor model so I didn't have to wait, of course his boss wasn't happy about having a gap on his showroom floor, but I don't flippin' care.

Cash is King.


Flatman said...

Yeah talks. That is how (if it happens) I will get the great deal on my new bike!!!

When's the inaugural hot tub party???

Bolder said...

Cash is King.

A man after my own heart...

Nancy Toby said...

Woo, that sounds awesome! I'd love one too, but I'd be scared to have it around my babies for another couple of years!

Phil said...

As the great philosopher, Napoleon Dynamite once said, "sweet".

mipper said...

that was my Grandpa's favorite bit of advice to me growing up...

cash is king.

sweet gift. Mistress is a very smart woman.

Cliff said...

Good for her.
Good for you.

It's all good.

Wil said...

Pretty! So, party at your house after IM then??

Nytro said...

napolean also said: tina! come get some ham.

congrats on the new hot tub!

White Salamander said...

I was just saying to Mrs. Salamander, we should go back to Phoenix for a little break from the rain...

The Big Cheese said...

Com, after reading this I feel as if I should send you money, or atleast stand outside of one of your locations with a sign...Oh, you have to love Phx for those sign people...Seriously I need you to come with me to the car dearlership.

Chris said...

I'm with Wil... Party at Com's house!

Fumo Santo said...

Great Spa! I have the J-385 myself and purchased it last year. I'm in it at least twice a week, and it's great.

Once the water is in, it'll take about 4-5 hours to heat up. The technology behind the mineral stick is great. I rarely have to put granulated chlorine in. As long as you keep up with the non-chlorine shock, you should be worry free.

I spent the better part of 3 months testing and re-testing spas out there, and it came down to Jacuzzi and Hot Spring. Jacuzzi seemed the better choice with name history and better functionality.

Great choice! You won't regret it! I'll be in mine shortly after the RnR AZ next Sunday!

Kona Shelley said...

We bought one a few months ago..we have used it everday except for a couple here and there..we just love's the best purchase we have ever made..truly!!

Kona Shelley said...

We bought one a few months ago..we have used it everday except for a couple here and there..we just love's the best purchase we have ever made..truly!!