Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Ah...what was that?

On New Years we went to my parents for dinner since my godparents drove into town to see The Mighty Mo, oh and us too.

Ironman came up, since its pretty much always on the top of my mind and I am brainwashing everyone about it and Mistress mentions that she, my mom and Mighty Mo would drive up to see my mom's parents in Ft. Meyers when WE'RE over there.

"Excuse me, what did you say dear?"
"When we go to Florida with you next year for Ironman."
"Well its 305 days away, not next year, well technically it will be next year for the next 5 hours, but wait a minute, YOU'R going to Florida?"
"Well I just assumed...wait you don't want me to go?" sniff sniff.
"Well I already booked the room and I just figured you didn't want to go so I only got a room for one plus a bed big enough for any hookers I pick up."
"Oh okay, well I actually didn't want to go so thats a relief."
My mom, "Well I will go with you if you want?"
"Mom, I don't have any room for you...the hookers. Think about it."

Do any of you have issues like this?


Cliff said...

No room? What about the bathtub :)...

Chris said...

Talking about hookers with my mom, you mean?? No... can't say that I do. That'd be so bizarre. :)

Flatman said...

Ha...I'll try that next time I see my mom!

Nancy Toby said...

I think my Mom would pretend not to notice the hookers. She'd just figure they were pals of mine.

Mica said...

No, we never have any miscommunication issues in my family.

yeah, right. ;)

Mica said...

No, we never have any miscommunication issues in my family.

yeah, right. ;)

Coach Tammy said...

Gasp! My pristine image of you is forever jaded now! :)

mipper said...

Mistress is *such* a good woman!

The Big Cheese said...

yes, but instead of rooms for the hookers, i am looking for places to hide the bodies.

Keryn said...

It kinda freaked me out when my husband basically assumed he was coming to the triathlon I'm doing this summer. I mean, I don't mind...this means I don't have to drive home on my own, but the fanfare is kinda weird still.

And I simply couldn't even mention hookers around my mom...

Siren said...

To spouse or not to spouse was a big debate for us. I very emphatically did not want him to come along. Aside from it being a lousy spectator sport, and having enough to worry about that day without keeping him happy, I guess it was a feeling of "I worked to get here alone and I'm going to do it standing on my own."

My two triathlete girlfriends concurred - neither of them allowed their guys to come along either.