Saturday, September 30, 2006

Your doing WHAT?

That was the sort of response I did not expect from Mistress on Friday night when I told her I wasn't training Saturday morning and she could sleep in. On Friday I created a decent training window and decided to put in an iron swim (93 minutes) at Canyon lake and then rest up for my iron ride on Sunday. Saturday is Active Rest and shoulder recovery. Around 3,500 yards my right shoulder got really sore so today instead of running or swimming again I am going to go for a walk.

Sunday is my 112 mile ride. It will probably be solo but I put out an open invite for people to join me for parts of it. The course is a 15 mile loop with very few lights, its as close to Florida topography as I can get in the city without being in a congested area. There is monotony in the course but there is enough variety in landscape and road (much is ridden in a high scale golf community and a wide six lane road) that I don't get bored at all. Goal is to average 18 mph which puts me in Zone 2 or below 150 HR.


the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

oh wow -- watch that shoulder. how did it go?

Cliff said...

If it is too sore, i will take the swim easy and give the shoulders/arm a break.

If u can ride in a 15 mile loop for 112 mile by yoursef u will be ready (mentally) for IMFlorida.

Even I don't htink i can handle so many loops :)

Flatman said...

How was the ride? Good I hope!