Friday, September 29, 2006

Whose your personal Lex Luthor?

Its fun watching all these little rivalrys going on. Competition is good. While in all deference to TriGreyhound I have to put my support behind Nytro, she's my homey. But I must say their little commentary about their SOMA race is some of the best written stuff in the Alliance right now.

A new one just popped up that I want all of you to read. I do hope that the blogger will continue with more regular posting about this and perhaps his antagonist will send him some taunting notes.
The blooger is my team mate Andy and the antagonist is is none other than John my regular riding partner and AZTRICLUB wizard. This bet is also occuring at SOMA.

Its kind of nice that I am not participating in this race, Ironman is the next weekend, so I will be front and center for all the excitement.


Nytro said...

aw... you're so sweet to have my back. is this part of your "amazon" penance?

hey, i didn't know i was an official member of the alliance? did benny sign me up? i thought i had to be invited. with a gold emblazoned invitation. sadly, i had yet to see that invite... perhaps it got lost in the mail?

by the way, you're buddies must be HUGE, cuz you did look tiny next to them! course, you all know that I would be blocking their sun, if we were ever to meet...

Andy said...

I wish I had a Lex Luthor who was a blogger. Actually, I just need a Lex Luthor in general. It is pretty much my fault, although I did join team Cycleworks, and they really have not sent me anything....


greyhound said...

Come clean, Comm. You're picking Nytro 'cause you're afraid she'll kick your a$$ for that amazon comment.

Way to have my back bro.