Thursday, September 22, 2005

Training Contract- A Written History

From time to time I relate back to the time Mistress and I hammered out my training contract for Ironman Florida 2006. We are a couple that enter into robust dialogue and get everything out on the table because once a decision is made its important for complete buy in.

Once the 'neogoitations' are over, the bargining completed, the expectations hammered out, there will be no future eye rolling or passive aggressive body language. Its in the contract. In fact now, several months later and completely commited to my goals, she is MORE understanding than ever before.

Part One: Have Your People Call My People.

Part Two: Pyrric Victory.

Part Three: Unexpected Gift or Shrewd Ploy By Racer.

Part Four: Waiting For Notary.


Wil said...

Mistress rules! Isn't it awesome to have great support!?

tarheeltri said...

Again Mr. Comm, I am going to have to take down your link on my site. The wife cannot read this... I like the flexibility of no contract and dealing with the eye rolling on a case by case basis.

Comm's said...

But the contract spells all that out. The beauty of a training contract is that it is iron clad. There is no spousal renigging or forgetfullness or complaining.

The Big Cheese said...

TBC thinks that this post is funny.

Jeremy said...

I absolutely loved this. Since I'm new to your blog (great one btw) I hadn't read the negotiations until this morning.

I'm actually hoping/praying/scheming on how to get a softride myself.

I'm thinking this would really work for my current financial/spousal situation.

Thank for a great idea.