Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm listening and I hate it

I am trying, I really am, but yesterday was a nutritional disaster coupled with no training. I kept pushing off my run because its 116* and the dearth of comments coming to me, which are 100% valid, all say hold back on the heat. So when I thought about running at like 9pm, it was still 105*. That just kind of sucked the whole life out of my evening and grabbed a Mikes Hard Lemonade instead.

Today I am still in the push off mode. John got some other takers on the Wednesday morning Usery Pass ride, which I am no longer doing due to IMFL so I bailed on the 0500 bike and felt terrible about it. Its afternoon now and here I am with only a few minutes before I have to go to therapy for my shin. I think I can run on one of the treads there if I don't puke over the fact that I don't like running on treads.

In any regards I will get something in today. I got to.


SRR said...

Heat...Hard Lemonaid...Heat...Hard Lemonaid...tough decision!

Nancy Toby said...

Suck it up and use the treadmill if you have to because of the weather. That's what those of us with heavy snow have to do. Or get up and run at 4AM. Sure beats leaving your wife a widow and your son fatherless, doesn't it? :-)

Just here to help....

Ellie Hamilton said...

Geesh. I've been wondering how you're faring out there. Crimeny. I have only seen 100* once in my entire life. I can't imagine that being the "cool" part of the day. Treadmill and stationary bike with AC is the only answer....

mipper said...

your body is talking to you. do not feel bad about being in "push off" mode. i am glad you are finally easing up. i know you hate the treadmill but that is your only healthy option right now, if you *just have to* run.

besides, my orthpedist said the first thing he prefers me to run on is a golf course.. then second, a treadmill on it's most shock absorbing setting.. then trails, then asphalt and last and hopefully never, concrete. so if you won't listen to us, listen to my ortho who just so happened to be a team doc for the Diamondbacks before moving up here last year. just saying...

take the night off and the rest of the week too. call it taper for your insane altitude race this weekend. i am seriously worried about you with that. but really, i'll just zip it and say "listen to your body" and trust you to do the rest.

take care Comm. there are lots of people who need you irl and online. don't hurt yourself in the long run just for a workout.

Rainbow said...

Tread is better than nothing.

I prefer Two dogs to Mike's. A little less carbonation. Hate carbonation. Even a beer isn't worth it anymore...gasp.

Cliff said...

Maybe the best it is to go in the dreadmill when it is so hot out there.