Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Is the a/c off?

That time of year has arrived in Phoenix where a few days at a time the high is double digits and not triple. Mo has taken to eating breakfast on the patio in his chair swing. Mistress leaves the back door open for hours at a time with no fear of bee's or fly's or bugs. For me it means I have to put on a shirt when I run.

The rest of the year here, is much like the weather the rest of the country experiences during their summers. By November the high's will be in the low 80's, crisp mornings. Yes even a few freezes. But then again it's hit 100 in the middle of October. But that sweet spot between November and March, not to be missed.

Tomorrow Mistress and Mo head to Seattle for a wedding. I follow on Thursday. Its a packed trip of going to REI, a real zoo (unlike phoenix), the aquarium (phoenix has none), the wedding, eating at some restaurant's we grew up with and seeing some friends in some remote areas before flying out early Sunday.

I am so hoping to run in the woods. These damn cactus parks drive me nuts.


Spokane Al said...

I hope you enjoy your trip to my home town and don't forget to experience the great coffee.

The Big Cheese said...

I love Seattle. Have a safe trip and a great time. I do miss those Phx. Winters.

Wendy said...

Have a wonderful time!

CVSURF said...

Hope you enjoy your trip. I sent you a email regarding your diet.

tarheeltri said...

Sounds like a great time. Would love to go for a run up there sometime.