Thursday, August 2, 2007

Alarm. Oh its time to...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

I set my alarm for 0500 so I could go run a couple of miles before everyone got up. It went off on time and as I turned it off, I realized Mo was snuggled up into me sleeping peacefully. Which he normally doesn't do, preferring to sleep across the bed with me getting the legs and Mistress the head.

Well okay, I'll just lay here for a few minutes. That turned into 90 minutes. Oh well I have a swim tonight.


Fumo Santo said...

Yeah, well don't feel so bad. I hit the Zzzzzzz without any good reason other than the windows were fogged up with humidity.

Phoenix said...

You gotta sieze those moments, Comm. Training can wait - childhood is fleeting.

tarheeltri said...

Tuck that moment away for inspiration later.

LBTEPA said...

Phoenix is so right :) savour these precious moments.
Hey, I thought of you this morning - I got my cast off yesterday (ankle reconstruction) and all the time I had it on I said, the day I get it off I'm starting back getting up early and exercising. This morning it was cold and dark and my bed was warm and no one would blame me for taking a few days to get back into things - then I thought, no, that's CMS talking. So I got up and went swimming. Thanks for being inspiring :)

Fe-lady said...

I miss those snuggle times - twenty year old daughters still kiss you on top of the head, but don't snuggle very well....
Happy belated birthday by the way!

Lance Notstrong said...

My son turned 15 today. Take ALL those moments you can get.....the road can wait :-)