Monday, March 5, 2007

Pass the M&M's and Diet Coke

Yes when you see me leaving the store with cases of Diet Coke and pounds of M&M's it can mean only one thing...I'm sick.

Mistress and Mo are sick too. We are house of germs. The only thing worse than a sick kid is two sick parents. Of course all the important household chores and paperwork for pre-schools went undone and I groggily walked into Mo's school today and got stuck signing him up for summer school and having to interact with parents and teachers. I just wanted to get in and out.

Is it universal that the more your throat hurts to talk, the more sensitive your hearing becomes? Well training is suspended until probably Wednesday.


Cliff said...

rest up commodore.

I am going to do some digging on how to keep my kidneys strong and healthy..

if i find anythign i will let u know.

As far as my doc say..he say to keep myself hydrated.

Brent Buckner said...

All the best with fighting the bug. Gives time for chafing to heal too!

Spokane Al said...

I hope you get well real soon. And gotta love the M&Ms!

Wendy said...

Feel better fast Comm's! Mo and Mistress, too!

Bigun said...

that's Kookies, btw... =:-)

Bigun said...

mmmmmm, m&m's - peanut? My GSK's are allmost gone - I've been too good lately - I think Mrs. Bigun ate all the damn GSK's! Gotta find something sweet...ooh...idea...late night run to steak n' shake for a strawberry-bananna yogart shake...this could happen!

Iron Pol said...

There's just something about a house with parents AND kids that generates so many more upper respiratory infections. Take it easy and recover from this latest round.