Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Released From Captivity

I have finished my closeout from November and in just a few hours I will be released from this dreaded desk that hosts my ass for the first week of every month. With as minimal as my training has been lately, which is always lower the first week of the month, I sure have been getting my sleep in. I hate to see how deep my sleep will be once I start putting the multi hour training sessions back on the daily calender this week.

Mighty Mo is feeling much better. The kid sleeps longer than me right now. In the last two weeks his vocabulary has become so much better for a 2.5 year old. We have actual conversations and between that and sign language we understand each other perfectly. He loves the 'pretty' lights as he calls the Christmas stuff.


tarheeltri said...

It's just the best thing in the world when your kids start talking in complete sentences. Which is what I said when they started to talk, and when they started to walk, and when the started to crawl... kids are great! I'm glad Might Mo is feeling better!

Cliff said...

Glad to hear Mighty Mo is getting better :)

Are you start teachign him tri vocabulary???

Bolder said...

3 cheers for the Mighty Mo!

hang in there my friend, still 331 shopping days til Florida -- you're gonna be just fine.

Papa Tweet said...

Right on, good to have both of you back. Go Mighty Mo!