Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Blog Shiny Thing

I can't get into yahoo avatars, though you women that do, let me just say it makes me want to go to your site-hubba hubba. I tried the "changing the name to some cybernetic organism saying", but lets be honest with my full name it was kinda dorky. But I can get into graphs. Oh the glorious appearance of multi-colored graphs and charts makes me swoon.

In a cosmic twist, two seperate people this week have told me about a website , Bones In Motion, that does elevation maps that in our caes, can be usefull for even more training log and blogging graphics.

Its a free sign up and sets up google maps to load up in a frame right onto your BIM start page, and tracks all kind of stuff when you use the other frame to reference your workout. I think its pretty cool.

This is a relief of our Tortilla Flat runs. The green balloon is the start of the run and also where we swim on Thursdays and weekends.

Tortilla Flats sits in the saddle between the two mountains at around 3.5 miles. We will either run over the hill to TF or turn around at the top of the first peak which is around 2.86 miles and go back depending on time and traffic.


Bolder said...

me 'n you = same page.

that's a great route, and sat shots and elevation profiles...


i've confessed to Kona Shelley that i've been calling her avatar 'Ava', and secretly thinking about stalking it... mipper's is not far behind... how sad is that!

Glen said...

thats so cool comm, good to see what we are running

TriZilla said...

Now THAT is a useful tool! Thank you so much.

Cliff said...

Love that elevation....

mipper said...

i don't get the graphs (must be a guy thing) but that is actually very very cool. at least i can look at it and say "wow. very cool." all i really know about pheonix is camelback mountian. i have flown through there enough to know it very very well. but TF just sounds like a cool place to run or bike. i gotta get down there one of these days (in the winter of course... no thank you to the 111 degree heat).

and as a disclaimer, i only wish i looked half as cute as my avatar. i may have when i was 18, but now, not so much. *sigh*

but hey, if it makes you happy... then by all means, believe that i actually look that good. ;)

tarheeltri said...

Very cool. Good on one hand bad on the other since I'm sure I'll be up late tonight graphing my bike routes. Probably should just break down and get a better HRM.