Tight calves most likely...get a good massage and you can make some cool little ice cups with styrofoam cups filled with water and then just massage it on the sore spots. Another good trick is to fill a bucket full of water and ice, then stick your foot in there as long as you can stand it..repeat!! Good luck!!
I've been pushing the limits of my endurance my whole life. I've been called a UNcommon man for my relentless pursuit of doing something bigger than I (or most) could possibly imagine. As a soldier, a marathoner, ironman triathlete or hiker, nothing is extreme enough. Finish lines are great, but the true adventure is what it takes to get to the starting line.
Ice those bad boys, I had them for two years playing basketball and they were not fun. Get rid of them now before they get worse.
Tight calves most likely...get a good massage and you can make some cool little ice cups with styrofoam cups filled with water and then just massage it on the sore spots. Another good trick is to fill a bucket full of water and ice, then stick your foot in there as long as you can stand it..repeat!! Good luck!!
Stretch...ice...drugs...read Mipper's saga. :)
watch 'em Comm.
but i know you know this already.
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