Monday, December 18, 2006

Boot Camp

So I pretty much have the rest of the week off. I have some hard business work that needs to be done between now and New Years but I am on God's good grace as far as my time goes.

Boot Camp.

Beginning today and through Friday I am going to pound my body into submission. I will ATTACK my physical being with miles of ironman training and functional exercise. I will forge the white hot blade of IRON that when tempered will set my back strong for the 140.6 miles I will travel on April 15, 2007. One a day, two a day, three a day workouts. Bricks. Tricks. I will fit it all in.

Recovery was necessary after Ironman Florida. Having a terrible chest cold and then throwing my back out was just plain mean. I have grown weak in mind and body. I felt sorry for my condition. I began to alibi. I feel another week of this lethargy and I will succumb to Common Man Syndrome and derail my 2007 season. My training season starts today!

Begone Bad Seeds. I will no longer dwell on what tasty morsel will have the pleasure of passing my lips for a late night snack. This is training mode. Training I understand. Food is for fuel not entertainment. Food is the energy that will get me to the top the hill, the energy that will repair by battered form after a strenuous session. Food is not for comfort.

My body will become an economy of motion, not wasting or spilling a drop of its precious energy. By Friday my body, living off the success of Ironman, will remember how tight the spring can be coiled.

Mentally I will rededicate myself to my physical goals while I beat the whining and sniveling out of me. These first few days will not be easy. In fact they will be damn hard. I do not envy the battle of wills that will occur tomorrow morning when I feel the pain in my body from todays efforts.

I was in incredible shape just six weeks ago. Inside me I am still that man, covered with a layer that I now find repulsive, not just of fat of the body but of the mind. Yes I am not happy with myself because I equated recovery and illness and injury with normalcy. In truth I have only lost two weeks. Who would begrudge me two weeks, after my first ironman and during Christmas? I do.

So. Boot Camp. For those that have been to boot camp you understand the transformation that will occur. I will be the trainee and the DI for this one week exercise. I have been both in a professional sense. I will be more after.

But for now, this is me. Mann, Comm's. 1 each. Waterproof. Self Contained. Bean Feed. Water cooled.


Glen said...

well on saturday I'm doing a 3:30 ride then a 50 min run you are welcome to join me.

Flatman said...

Now THAT'S the Comm we all know and love, baby~! Go Time.

Lance Notstrong said...

Sounds like good advise for everyone this time of year :-)

azironman2007 said...

Damn Comm. Ya got me all jacked up with that one!
I'm with flatman

Spokane Al said...

Thanks for the great wake up post.

I was just beginning to fade a bit in the eating department and your writings caused me to regroup, refocus, and remember where I am and where I want to be.

It is time to once again rock on! And there is no time like the precent to start.

Geo said...

I feel like I should stand up and clap! Awesome motivational blog!

Geo said...

I feel like I should stand up and clap! Awesome motivational blog!

Jen_runs said...

Yes, I am another one who has been fading a bit in the eating department lately....not anymore!

Iron Pol said...

Voice of reason, here. Did you ever thing that perhaps your body was simply knocking you into line after the whole "no down time" theory hit the blogwaves.

Now that you have had your "off season," your body will probably be more than ready to play.