Monday, November 14, 2005

The hills

Click on graph for larger view.

I haven't put up a S625X Polar Graph in a while. What a fun ride, though the legs 'Be Singin' '. The Good Doctor mentioned that we need to build up to two laps to get ready for our respective Ironmans; IMAZ in April for him and mine, if you don't remember, IMFL next November.


Bolder said...

Dude, 1900 feet of vertical gain --that's what I'm talkin about!... time for me to start postin' up some 625X action too!

Cliff said...

Very impressive. That type of climb and your HR stays flat (looking at past the 1:30:00 mark).

Flatman said...

That's the one thing I wish my polar would some usable info to my pc. Hmmm....

tarheeltri said...

Nice heartrate throughout. Don't forget about the flats though. You've got the benefit of a lot of flat courses out there and in FLorida (which I'm assuming is flat) you will want to sustain a bigger gear than you are riding on those hills. Probably should do a test ride to see where you are at.