Friday, July 1, 2005

The Numbers Game

So the SUV that Mistress drives split its a/c belt last night and as I attested to in my post last night it was flippin hot to drive around that way. So this morning, I as the dutiful, (read: under contract) husband went with SUV and the tow truck driver up to the dealership to get the thing fixed. While waiting for the repairs to be done there was a blood drive in the parking lot so I donated blood. I am what you call a Universal Donor as I am O+. They pretty much bring a limo to my doorstep for my precious life fluid.

Anyway, the numbers. Mistress and I for a decade have had a running match of lowest numbers and so I am going to post these in the blogesphere and get some feedback from you. Lets all share and learn in the process.

HR: 120/81.
Temp:. 97.3*
Pulse: 55


Wil said...

Oh, I thought that 0+ was a universal recipient - damn, I should have paid more attention in Health class. What's AB- is that a universal donor, I mean recipient? Damn...Nancy! What is it?

Nancy Toby said...

I don't think my pulse ever gets to 55 unless I am unconscious.

A person with type A blood can receive blood from a person with type A or type O. A person with type B blood can receive blood from a person with type B or type O. A person with type AB blood can receive blood from anyone. A person with type O blood can receive blood from a person with type O. Because of these patterns, a person with type O blood is said to be a universal donor. A person with type AB blood is said to be a universal receiver. In general, however, it is still best to mix blood of matching types and Rh factors.

I'm B+, by the way. YES, it's a good idea to put it on that RoadID!

Wil said...

OK, thanks! I had that totally backwards!

I'm a universal recipient then, with type AB! COOL!

jennyc said...

Are you not looking to be Oneg Com to be a universal donor?