Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

To many of our citizens, this day holds little of the importance it once did. BBQ's and a three day weekend now cover the solemnity of remembering, memorializing, our sons and daughters who have given given their life while in uniform.

In our great experiment of freedom brave souls have stood upon the battlements ready to defend its principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The very protections we are blessed with today are due to the sacrifices others have made for us and this day is set aside to recognize them in a tribute of selflessness.

The men I have known, or been told about, the men of history I have studied, all had similar traits. They cared little for the battle they fought rather it was the cause that captured them. A desire to defend their family or protect the weak. On this day we hold in memory those that died holding the line.

In this age most of our holidays are nothing more than an edifice to commercialism. Memorial day is one of the few that is largely untouched, aside from car and furniture companies creating their three day sale blitz. For those that are deeply cognizant of this day, there is no card or gift that can remove the sadness from the heart. This day does not lend credence to what possession we want next when what we desire most is the return of someones life we held so dear. We dream of never having to hold ourself accountable to someone who we felt left this world too early. God save those that blame them self for the lose of life.

Today is meant to honor duty to county. It is meant to hold in memorial those that gave their full measure of devotion for freedom.


kodiacbear said...

Well Done, Comm. Thank You.

Mommymeepa said...

Thank you for this post. I wish more people would stop and think about what it means.

Every Memorial Day and Vetern's Day my kids and I take thank you notes to the local VFW. They always sit my kids up at the bar and serve them a soda. We have done this for about 5 years now.

I also have my kids thank soldiers anytime they see them. I was downtown last Memorial Day and as we were heading home in the evening we saw a woman soldier in uniform. We stopped her and thanked her for serving her country. She said we were the only people to say anything to her the whole day. HOW SAD!!!

If you do not thank our service people please do so. It means a lot to them. They may not say much when you do, but it does mean a lot to them.

Comm, thank you for your service. My family and I appreciate it.

Have a happy memorial day.

Spokane Al said...

My hope is that each of us would take just a moment on this special day to pause and consider and give thanks for what others have done and given to maintain our freedoms through our relatively short history.

Thanks for reminding us.

ShirleyPerly said...

Nice post! Thanks for reminding us of the meaning of Memorial Day. I thought it was great that our little nephew called to thank my husband for his service this weekend. He'd called his grandpa too!

Di said...

every memorial day i am reminded of the fields of white crosses that cover miles and miles of green grass and how sad it makes me to know why they are there and how proud it makes me to be an American.
Thanks for a great post Comm.