Thursday, February 23, 2006

What its Thursday?


This week has been absolutely crushing on me. A short month, a long Vegas weekend thrown in, increased training time and same high workload has really set the ol' internet time back to almost nil.

Keeping it short and sweet, the training has been going really well. It has actually been very cold for Phoenix this week so my 0500 ride in the desert was completed with a 32 degree temperature. I really admire all of you who train mid day in that stuff right now or worse over the course of winter. I was really grumpy after that 20 miles.

Spent a great deal of time in rehab today. Calf tear is healing nicely but my QL (Quadratus Lumbram-side of back) is still very tight. Dr. Simon asked if I wanted to help him test out a piece of equipment he was looking to buy and my condtion and pain level would give him a good unbiased demonstration. We went, I wasn't impressed, he gets better results with his normal modalities, so he wasn't impressed either.

Training has been pretty spot on, except for the occassional Mighty Mo hiccup. He is still very sick but at least he is finally starting to take his medicine without spewing half of it out on us.

I have taken a few minutes here and there reading up on the rest of you, but with my phone and iPaq I can not leave comments. Keep the training going folks. Spring is almost here if not already. Try on your wetsuit, clean up your bike, wash those running shoes.


Flatman said...

Just keep up your training. The rest of us will be here when you get more time!

jp said...

glad to hear the little guy is feeling better.

Good luck with the rehab.

Rice said...

Keep working at it Comm. Spring sure is on the way. I love how its not dark very long in the mornings now..



IMmike said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Too bad about the lower back.