Thursday, February 9, 2006

Pool's Open

For those not familiar with my pool it is Canyon Lake which sits between Apache Junction and Tortilla Flats. We swim into the lake, turn around at a buoy and swim under a bridge to a buoy inside the canyon and back to the front buoy. Going buoy to buoy for two full laps plus the distance to and from the starting area is 1.2 miles, exactly a half ironman swim.

From our starting point looking at the front buoys center left and right of shot.

Today a select crazy few of us are going to jump in and go for it. Lake temperature is currently listed at 53 degrees. I will bring a thermometer to find out for sure. Yesterday I stopped by the local dive shop (they actually have those here in the desert-who knew?) and bought dive gloves, booties and dive cap.

It has been since Thanksgiving that I last open water swam. Not only will this be cold, it will be very interesting. I am not afraid of the water temp., its going to be cold regardless, so I will swim at least to the inlet buoy and back for putting all the stuff on. Then it depends on if its physically possible to stroke out a full lap into the canyon. It has been in the high 70, low 80's for the last week so the water may be okay by afternoon time.

Since last Thanksgiving, I have been putting in my laps at a gym pool. Not quite the same thing but has done the job.

Will let you know tonight how it went.


Lora said...

DAMN I'm jealous!!!!!

Cliff said...

I am jealous b/c u don't have to fight for old granny and grandpas in your pool :)

tarheeltri said...

I'd be willing to bet that only the top few inches of the lake is warm, which would be added incentive to not let your hips drop too low in the water.

Chris said...

I suppose that's the one good thing about living up north. Our winter open water swims tend to be very fast this time of year... being able to run across the lakes and all. :)

Bolder said...

two words for you: jell us.

can't wait to do open water swims...

actually, i can wait for a little warmer than 53 Fred!

Bridget said...

Brrr. Man you are brave. I have to do an open water swim in two weeks and I am absolutely dreading it!

Oldman said...

sounds like it going to be a cold swim but a good swim....

bunnygirl said...

Looks gorgeous, but... 53 degrees? OMG! I'm getting hypothermia just thinking about it!

Looking forward to hearing how it went.

TriZilla said...

Your own little slice of heaven... Beautiful! Good luck on the swim. Sounds chilly, but well worth it.

Papa Tweet said...

Dude, I'll be waiting patiently for the full pool report. If I can get an openwater swim session when I come to AZ, I'm all over it. Even if it's short. Let me know how it goes, but for heavens sake, be careful. Don't need you cramping up out there.

tri-mama said...

I'm trying to decide if I would have jumped in with you-probably not today- I have a cold- but it sounds tempting-hope you put in ear plugs....