Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Its going to be a girl


Those were the word uttered by Mo, as the nurse made the proclamation. The OB says that everything with Mistress and the baby are absolutely fantastic. HR is good. She has gained only 2 pounds in the five months of pregnancy and was told she could stand to gain a few pounds. Nothing that a couple of hot fudge sundaes can't fix. Its looking like the delivery will be around February 16th.

Mo was so excited he called Grandma before we were out the door. While Mistress followed up with the doctors, he and I went to play putt-putt golf and some air hockey. Then he insisted he buy a new dress for his baby sister so we went to Babys R Us and sure enough he found a dress, and shoes.

I am still trying to adjust to having to be a new dad all over again. A daughter has added some more stress to that mix. I have lots of friends that I can lean on for education on raising a girl, so for me it's all about the practical application.

Isn't it always...


Wendy said...

Mo is a fabulous kid! I love that he wanted to buy clothes (and shoes!) for his baby sister!

Glad to hear Mistress is well and things are on track.

stronger said...

Ahhhh, you will melt over a little daughter!

21stCenturyMom said...

Little girls are adorable and they love their Daddy. You will have no problem at all - until she starts dating at which point you will be like the Dad in that cell phone add about my 'top 5' who tells his daughter's date "I'm in my daughter's top 5 so it's like I'll be right there with you - all the time" in his most ominous voice. bwahahahaha...

My girls never gave me a lick of trouble. My son has given me more than a few gray hairs. Just sayin'

Chris said...

Congrats, Comm! Glad to hear that everything is going well with the kid in tow.

Mommymeepa said...

EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm so excited especially for MO.

You'll be a great daddy to a little girl. I have an almost 11 year old one if you have any questions.

Take care,

LBTEPA said...

Sorry to hear of your sad loss Comm. - and congratulations on your soon-to-be-here daughter! Aquarians are charming people, she will be an gem

M said...

I so love Mo's reaction to all this!

And being a girl myself, I can safely say that we are a handful, and there really no real preparation for us.

YAY for girls!!

Wil said...

How adorable! And how fun, her b-day will be close to Laura's :) President's weekend b-days are the best, what great news all around!

Lana said...

Congrats, Comm!! I have no idea how to raise a girl...just two boys here...but no doubt you'll figure it out!!

dpc said...

Congrats, Comm! And, to Mistress and MO! That's fantastic.

The extent of our children are the 4-legged, furry kind...a couple of German Shepherd Dogs, but as for gender, I should think the real stress in having a daughter ought be in, say, 16 years or so?! Gosh, the dating thing...I would have a heck of time with that one! dc

ShirleyPerly said...

I'm sure you'll figure it out. CONGRATS on the baby girl!