Monday, October 15, 2007

Watch for Gremlins

I have a Gremlin with me today.

This particular gremlin ruined my swim workout. While attempting to start my warm up my goggles continuously leaked, causing me to stop every ten yards to purge the water seeping in.

After enduing a pulled-the-strap-to-tight-gave-me-a headache lap, I took the goggles off preparing to throw them in frustration. That's when I saw the gasket around the eye piece was completely warped and utterly useless. The workout was over before it even begun.

Gremlins!!! Who else would do such things to my goggles.

I know I am not alone in this. Whom else has lost the battle to gremlin duplicity lately. Have you driven to a bike workout only have gremlins take your front tire, helmet or shoes from your gear? Has a gremlin also sabotaged your swim? Or a run?

Lets talk this out.


Flo said...

Jeez, the gremlins have been busy this weekend. Friday night I had a workout set. I was going to do intervals on the treadmill because it was late. I have this great program on my iPod just for interval training. I grab my iPod only to discover that the program didn't load. Back to the computer load the program. Off to the workout room to discover I had forgotten my orthotics. Back for those. Hope on the treadmill to realize I had no water. Off to get water. Finally, everything is in place, I'm ready to run only to discover the iPod was dead. That's it. After 15 mins I was outta there. UGH!!!!

Fumo Santo said...

I hope you didn't bring the gremlin in the pool with you, for we all know what happens to gremlins if they get wet...

momo said...

YES!!! i was all set to get back into the groove today after taking the last week as recovery. as i was heading out to the pool, big j calls me and wants me to meet him to look at sinks. (we're having our bathroom remodeled). there was no way i could do that AND swim AND get the kids from school, so the swimming fell by the wayside.

big j is my big ole gremlin today!

i guess there is always tomorrow. :-)

tarheeltri said...

A gremlin stole my boss's front tire last Friday prior to our 7 am mountain bike ride.

Iron Pol said...

Hmmmm, they made it from Wisconsin to Arizona in just a couple days. On Saturday, I made it to the pool to find I had left my goggles at home. So, I ran the gremlins into submission with a 13 mile training run.

That'll teach 'em to mess with the Gremlin Whisperer.

Dances with Corgis said...

Yeah it's tough to just HTFU and tough it out without goggles...