Sunday, March 22, 2009

High Points: Silly Mountain

Yes its name is Silly Mountain, located off the US-60 just east of Apache Junction. I have driven past this trail head many times, most recently this very day on my way out to our team cycling route.

I can only speak for myself on this, but I often drive past hills/mountains/etc and desire to get to its peak. On the way back from a great 21 mile rolling hill route, I pulled over and decided to bag this one.

As I stepped over the entrance gate, I asked a returning hiker, "How do I get up there, sir?" Pointing to the summit above. After consulting his trail guide and deciding on the southern route, off I went along the Brittlebrush trail. A very well developed desert trail with the typical stones sticking out of the ground, I jogged a decent pace toward the Old Mine Trail which connects me to the High Point trail, a short, decent scramble to the top.

As families coming down politely moved aside as ran up, one mother asked me, "Are you a fireman?"

"No ma'am, Ironman," the response spewing from my lips organically. At that moment, I did not have a year of recovery, I was bricking a 21 mile hilly bike with a magnificent trail run up virgin (to me) trail known only as Silly Mountain.

Reaching the summit took less than 15 minutes. It was a perfect route for my expectations. After a few photos, chugs of water, and wonderful veiw to catch my breath, off I went back to the world and responsibilities.

Now when I drive past Silly Mountain I can point and say, "Been there, done that," and love the moment once again.

There's treasure everywhere.


Wendy said...


21stCenturyMom said...

He's baaaaaaaack!

Desi said...

Hello from San Diego. I have been following your blog for a bit. I am in love with your area and did IM AZ twice last year! I will be back in 2010 for IM AZ after IM St. George. I love the Apache Junction hiking trails. We stayed out there for the April race last year. Keep showing me around - I appreciate it!!!

Mommymeepa said...

Commodore's back!! So great to read about your rides, runs, etc. You are looking great. So glad you had your camera with you. You are an inspiration to me. I cannot wait to meet you and the family in November.

Keep on Keepin' on.