Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mr. Bonky Bonk McBonkers

It truly is frustrating to have to take a rest day when I don't want one. However I have to now realize that my long term success in endurance pursuits with any fitness consistency is to listen to my body. I melted, melted I tell you, on a lunchtime run Tuesday. Air temp around 108*, road temp around !55*, dew point around 60*. I patted myself on the back for just cutting the run short by 20% to get back inside. 

Jump forward to Wednesday night, 38 hours later and my legs are still dragging ass. I was going to get on the treadmill but my legs were mush. I went to bed instead and couldn't sleep because of the jimmy legs. Suck. Mistress even threw the Rhabdo at me wondering if she should be concerned about damaged muscle fiber floating around my blood stream and screwing up my kidneys. Oh what pillow talk we have. Today, Thursday, they finally feel good enough to train on. 

I have mentioned before that if I end up getting close to a bonk, or actually bonk, on a workout that my recovery is anywhere from 36-48 hours. And this keeps that theory alive. Too bad the empirical evidence is a sacrifice to my training. Man do I remember 8 hour recovery from monster workouts. So jealous. It makes it hard to train with my team right now, because they are all training for Ironman distance races and thats getting a bit to close to the metaphorical third rail. I would probably go too long or go too hard. Either way, tough sell to Mistress when I put myself on the couch for the rest of the weekend. 

Its just reality. Hey, at least I can do what I can do and I think every month I my speed is picking up and and distance is going further. I'll take it. 

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