Friday, January 14, 2011

A Mighty Mo Update

It seems this blog has become a book recounting the life of my son. As it is as much a part of the fabric of my life and my own, it must be included. Plus, hundreds of people have become invested in my son over the last eight years and this is sometimes important stuff. 

Next week Wednesday, Mo goes in for a procedure. The procedure is actually multiple invasives that will allow his doctors to look at his system from his teeth to his rectum. Nothing will be left unobserved. This kind of has to be done from both sides. By my reckoning this will be around the seventh time he has been put under. 

The work will not be done there. While he is under the doctors will put a transmitter in his esophagus which will measure acid levels from his stomach, which they believe are contributing to the spasms, nausea, vomiting and ulcers.  For 48 hours it will transmit readings every 5 minutes to a receiver he will wear on his waist. 

To prepare for these procedures he had to go off of all his meds on Thursday. On Friday, the next day, Mistress received a call from the school nurse, Mo was rolling around on the bed in pain. He said it felt like a shark was eating his stomach. We decided to give him one of his emergency med's kept at the school and it worked. These med's were for last resorts and yet he has had one each Friday for the last few weeks. While I personally do not believe in coincidence, no one believes he is using his condition as an excuse.

Already expecting that being off his med's would be a hardship on all of us, we have prepared for issues that will certainly arise. Luckily, Monday is a school vacation day and both of us will be home to help after he is home from the hospital. 

I will try to put in a blog post that is me centered between now and then.

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