Thursday, July 30, 2009

Homeward Bound

I was able to work something out with my partners that allowed Mistress and I to have her become a stay at home mom. We know we can make this work for several months but are really hoping that it can become permanent. She could not be more happy. Mo has three more weeks of summer, so those two plus Baby Mae will be able to have some serious bonding. Then when Mo goes to 1st grade it will just be mom and daughter.

Its been one month since Mistress broke and sprained her ankle. As any of us who have damaged our ankles know, a break is preferable to a severe sprain and it has really caused her some pain. I truly feel sorry for her pain and lack of mobility. Now with her being home full time, it has freed me from doing all the choirs around the house and I am able to finally get back to a more stable and balanced day myself.

And that includes training. Good God, its too hot for me to train outdoors right now. July 2009 has been the hottest July on record in Arizona, 110* average daily temp. My training this week has thus far been a mix of resistance training, dreadmill and stationary bike. I will begin to re-introduce myself to the outdoors over the next several days but in all honesty its all I can do to pound the water and keep myself hydrated without running or biking outside included.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Sounds like things are on track chez Mo & Mae. I hope Mistress' recovery is going according to Hoyle, too!