Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Training resumes.

Few things rank higher on the Suck scale than the summer flu. For the last week, it seems months, this thing hammered my body. Today with only mildly throbbing temples thanks to some early morning sinus stuffage, I plan on getting back to a training routine.  

Some people get sick and they lose a bunch of weight. These are the same people that when they stop working out also lose weight. I have never been that guy and I cannot stand the whining of people in that category. I don't think I put on much if any weight with this illness but I feel heavy and fat. Bulbous, flop sweat, have to buy two seats on a SouthWest airlines fat. Like I have a layer of water under my skin that makes me thicker all over. I am sure some time running, riding, burpees and carrying a heavy rucksack of sand this week will whip me back into shape fast enough. 

Now, hold on, hold on. I probably could have started working out over the weekend but purposefully took at least one extra day off and probably two. I realize I have tendency to train hard into a illness, so I like to take an extra day where I feel normal again without any sweating (exercise or illness induced), sinus pain, nose blowing, coughing, throat tickling, tired feeling. As I ease into the week, I'll be working on simple stuff and then ramping back up to full speed. 

It's not enough to exist. I am going to live. 

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